Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Everyone has to choose sides

Well I have Chosen.

I Team USA first and foremost but Lace Team USA is my competing category of choice. Even if the Peacock Shawl proves to be too much for this athlete my allegiances are strong and I will stay with lace. I have yet to solidify my choice as I technically should be stashbusting and the Peacock Shawl is probably too difficult. Some basic training over the next 15 or so days will be:

(1) Learn how to knit Continental Style - this will help with the speed of things

(2) Make sure I understand the pattern - Every athlete has to know the course they are about to navigate and cannot cop out just because the colors are wrong

(3) Make sure the pattern is a challenge - In the Olympics you are competing against the best in the World. The knitting Olympics is no different, well a little since you are really just competing against oneself for a gold medal button not sponsorship with Wheaties.

(4) Try and find a Stashbusting project - the more stash busted the better

(5) Tell others - This actually is already occurring and the looks are mixed with amazement, pity, and praise. I am a knitter and proud of it!!

Now to find the perfect pattern....