Monday, January 30, 2006

May I present the Knitty Committee...

So these are the knitty committee members. They were wonderful enough to pose for our group picture.

We meet once a month at work to knit during lunch. But knit talk happens every other day of the week, especially if we are sporting our new knitted attire. All the guys at my job stop by to ask (1) What the hell we are doing (2) Pretend as though they aren't interested (3) Try and convince us that they would also knit if it included beer consumption and (4) Ask us to either knit them a sweater or a vest out of Kevlar (bullet proof material). Just like a group of boys

This month we are doing a scarf swap and some will be donating to the Knit for the Cure so we are keeping busy. These are truly my knitting sisters. Knit on ladies!